22 June 2008

The new JavaScript Framework : JUNE

Long time no see, but I, at least, have a good reason: I've been working on my new JavaScript Framework: JUNE.

It's using the Object Literal Notation and the Module pattern. It has great support for Event handling, DOM manipulation and AJAX.

June Framework. Helps you code JavaScript better. Really.

That's because it doesn't add a layer of sugar on top of JavaScript to make writing JavaScript like writing in another language.

JUNE can only help you coding JavaScript in JavaScript.

Also I've set up a forum, so if you have any problems in using the JUNE Framework, don't hesitate to come by and let me know about your problem so we can work it out.

Download JUNE Framework, use it in your projects and, if you'd like, come by to the forums and let us know your impressions about it!

Hope to see you there soon!